Chowing Betel ...
Among the historical Sri Lankan population Betel leaves: Traditionally, a sheaf of betel leaves is offered as a symbol of benevolence and good fortune. The majority of Sri Lankan traditional homes have a traditional tray of betel in front of the door to greet guests and give them a taste of the plant.
Areca seed (family of farms) It can be used with betel leaves as fresh or dried chopped seed.additionally add a pinch of soaked lime (calcium hydroxide, typically prepared by boiling crushed seashells) and a tiny quantity of dry tobacco leaves. Now fold it and insert it inside your mouth. The majority of hardworking individuals and farmers utilize it on a regular basis as a habit. Some of them add dry coconut, clove, and cardamom to the betel chowing.
Good for health...... Proteins, lipids, minerals, fiber, carbs, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, and other nutrients can all be found in betel leaves. Is betel leaf beneficial to health?Indeed, betel leaf has health benefits. It might possess antibacterial, anticancer, antiallergic, antifungal, anti-diabetic, and antioxidant qualities.
On the other hand, so more than once a day isn't advised. It isn't recommended for daily use. Put together all of the ingredients;
cancer of the mouth is the result.